Friday, March 16, 2012

Venice Day 4--Vicenza + Verona

Friday 3.16.12
We ate our last breakfast at our hotel and headed to the train station via boat for Vicenza to see the Villa Rotunda, a completely symmetrical building by Palladio. We got there fifteen minutes until they closed for siesta. We took lots of photos then were told to leave. Next, we headed for Verona, the city Shakespeare chose to base Romeo and Juliet. Upon arrival, we were very confused as to where the main city was with all of the main attractions. We were sort of rushing as well due to time constraints. We managed to see Juliet’s house and balcony. Here, you are supposed to touch Juliet’s ta-tas for good luck. I uncomfortably did this for any chance that it just might cure my bad luck haha. Piazza della Erbe and Piazza della Signori were full of markets vendors and interesting things. We were able to see Castlevecchio before leaving. It is an old castle with castle walls extending towards a bridge with many lookout points. We took a long train ride back to Venice where we then tried Bellinis. The Bellini originated in Venice; it consists of peach juice and champagne. It tasted like fresh peaches. After this, we had to find our hostel for the night which happened to be on Lido. We trekked for at least 30 minutes lost trying to find this place that was “close to the boat bus station”…definitely was not. The original place we booked had overbooked us so they told us they had upgraded us to a better location. The website looked way nicer; however, we were soon taken to our murky, basement accommodations. The décor was a little musty and we just tried to pretend we were staying at grandma’s house except this was not grandma’s house by any stretch of the means.

Villa Rotunda
at Juliet's House- Juliet's Balcony
for good luck..notice all the locks in the background

ponte del castlevecchio
bellini--peach juice with champagne

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