Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Barcelona, Spain--Days 1+2

Tuesday 3.20.12
It was sad to leave Madrid on Tuesday. I was not expecting to love it so much since we just thought it would be a stop on the way to Barcelona. It is definitely one of my top, if not favorite, places I have been so far.
5am Tuesday morning, we wake up and pack for our flight to Barcelona. As I am stuffing the last bits of my belongings into my backpack, my finger has a not so friendly encounter with my upward facing, hidden razor. Fast forward through some gruesome details that made me almost pass out and it was my own finger. Chloe cuts up a pillowcase from the hostel into layers to wrap around my finger. So with a little less finger and a lot of shredded pillow case I held my arm up all the way through the subway, the Madrid airport, and propped up in flight in order to keep it from bleeding. I was thinking there probably would not be many people already starting their commute at that time…definitely wrong. Lots of people were there to witness my propped up and wrapped middle finger. I really know how to pick the right timing for mishaps..haha. Once in Barcelona, we met “Renaldo” who was supposed to take us to where we were staying (sounds sketchy & it was) The “deluxe penthouse” was up 96+ stairs with no lift option and was a liiiitle less than clean when we arrived. We went to the supermarket which had 2 floors and an escalator to buy groceries for the week. It was a really fun way to grocery shop with an escalator. It then started to rain in Barcelona. We cleaned the apartment to make it more manageable and rid of some smells. Now it gets interesting..one of the girls decides to take a shower. The next thing we know, there is banging on the door that does not stop or pause. Our hearts are beating 90 mph at this point. Then the door opens and this older lady walks in screaming in Spanish “chica de bano” “Agua”etc. Chloe and I go down to her apartment below since we know some Spanish and water is flooding out of her ceiling from a light fixture.  The lady is crying, we have to call “Enrique”, the owner, it was a nightmare. We cannot use any water at this point, our cell phone ran out of minutes, we were told to wait for a plumber to come the next day.  An interesting start to Barcelona to say the least..
apartment number 1, looks better than it smelled
we made tacos with green and yellow peppers, black beans, seasoning, and onions. They turned out really good!
Wednesday 3.21.12

We faced another day of pouring rain. We decided to go to the MACBA, Museum of Contemporary Art, by Richard Meier.  It was ok, nothing to brag about but entertained us indoors for awhile. After that we went to the indoor market in Barcelona which was surprisingly fun. There were lots of vendors with counters for food service, fruits, vegetables, seafood, etc. We came back to the apartment hoping to see that we could use the shower, unfortunately that was a no.. Luckily, we were able to remove ourselves from that situation and we moved into another apartment in a safer neighborhood without having to pay more. However, this involved feverous packing within a 5 minute timeframe and lugging everything including groceries to our next living arrangement. This was quite the scene to see..

notice name spellings: "jesica" and "cloe"..ignore oversized middle finger
fruit at the market

walking                                                       Renaldo needed a breather halfway there.."por un minuto"

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